
Letter on inter-FAB Cooperation signed by FAB CE and BLUE MED FAB State level bodies


A Letter on inter-FAB cooperation was signed by the State level bodies of FAB Central Europe and the BLUE MED FAB, in the interest of improved co-ordination on the policies adopted for improving ANS/ATM in Europe.

The arrangement concluded between the FAB CE (Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovakia and Slovenia) and the BLUE MED FAB (Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta) State level bodies, is meant to facilitate at regional level the ANS/ATM developments as envisaged in the Single European Sky programme advocated by the European Commission.

The co-operation established between FAB CE and BLUE MED FAB at all governance levels meets the requirements included in the SES legislation and is aimed to contribute to optimum effectiveness, efficiency and capacity of ATM/ANS and to enhance current safety standards.

BLUE MED FAB and FAB CE are committed to continuous engagement with their neighbouring EU and non-EU States in their deployment initiatives and all activities aimed at delivering better performance.

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