
BLUE MED Member States met at 8th BLUE MED FAB Governing Board meeting


The 8th meeting of the BLUE MED FAB Governing Board was held in La Valletta (Malta) on the 16th of April 2015. The meeting was participated by the BLUE MED Member State representatives (Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta), as well as by the designated ANSPs and the Military authorities.

During the 8th meeting of the BLUE MED FAB Governing Board, the issue regarding the FAB performance was widely discussed, with particular reference to the ATM performances expected this summer 2015. As a matter of fact, the upcoming summer period will be characterized by shortage in ATC capacity from some BLUE MED ANSPs, that potentially will not allow to meet the air traffic demand over some of the areas of our Mediterranean basin. A number of initiatives were identified and discussed in session, in order to mitigate the potential negative effect of the en-route delays for aircraft operators.

The BLUE MED FAB Governing Board also shared the policy to further evolve its Implementation Programme in accordance with the Deployment Programme launched by the SESAR Deployment Manager, which has recently been established and will be accountable for the coordination of the implementation of common projects.

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Image: Group photo of the participants at the 8th BLUE MED FAB Governing Board meeting
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