
10th BLUE MED FAB Governing Board meeting in Athens: deliveries and programmes endorsed for Mediterranean ATM


The BLUE MED FAB Member States met in Athens on the 30th of October within the 10th meeting of the BLUE MED FAB Governing Board.

The partners shared short and medium term planning in order to improve the performance throughout the Mediterranean area and in particular a number of structural measures were identified with Winter 2016 as an implementation target. The BLUE MED Governing Board noted some relevant ongoing initiatives under H2020 and the Deployment Manager framework and further recommended to align investment requirements of the concerned ANSPs.

The BLUE MED Governing Board also reviewed improvement proposals for the BLUE MED Implementation Programme and had the opportunity to note partnership proposals from non-EU countries.

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Image: Group photo of the participants at the 10th BLUE MED FAB Governing Board meeting
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