
The steady good performance of the BLUE MED FAB continues on


The August 2016 report by the NET Task Force on BLUE MED FAB ATFCM traffic and delay confirms once again the BLUE MED FAB steady positive performance trend.
In particular:

- In August traffic increased for Italy (+3,27%) and Malta (+5,80%); it decreased for Cyprus (-0,40%) and Greece (-1,53%)
- In the overall period May-August traffic increased for Cyprus (+0,97%), Italy (+3,06%) and Malta (+10,00%); only Greece recorded a decrease by -1,68%.
- In August Cyprus and Greece recorded an ENR delay reduction respectively by -64,67% and -90,44%, that is in the whole period May-August ENR delay was cut by -74,59% (Cyprus) and -86,68% (Greece).

This Summer, slowly approaching its end, will in all likelihood be remembered for the excellent performance achieved by the BLUE MED FAB.

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