
BLUE MED: 2nd Governing Board meeting


The 2nd BLUE MED Governing Board meeting was held in Italy within the ENAC premises on the 14th of January, and was attended by the representatives of the EU Countries involved in the project: Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta.

The meeting, chaired by the Director of Civil Aviation of Cyprus Mr Iakovos Demetriou, was attended by, among others, Benedetto Marasà, ENAC Deputy Director General, Iacopo Prissinotti, Head of ENAV International Strategies, Gregory Nanidis, Deputy Governor of HCAA and John Gatt, MITC Permanent Secretary.

The meeting, following the signature by the Member States of the BLUE MED FAB State Level Agreement, allowed further progress towards the fulfillment of the Implementation Programme of the BLUE MED FAB and towards the finalization of the cooperation agreements among ANSPs and among the National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs) in accordance with the provisions of the Single European Sky legislation. The implementation of the BLUE MED FAB will contribute to the improvement of ATM, reducing the environmental impact in a relevant portion of the Mediterranean basin.

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Image: Group photo of the participants in the 2nd BLUE MED Governing Board meeting
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